Write down any scriptures or other readings for your wedding.
Write down your favorite lines from any solos being sung at your wedding or from
your First Dance song.
Write down any favorite quotes you may have or sayings that have been meaningful
to your relationship.
On the blank piece of paper, write a letter to your fianc� using the following
Begin with a salutation that is very heartfelt (for example, "My Dearest...", or
something to that effect).
In the first paragraph, tell him/her how much s/he means to you and your life.
Begin the next paragraph with the words, "It seems like only yesterday that..."
Run with it.
In the next paragraph tell him/her how you felt when you realized you were in love
with them.
In this paragraph, tell him or her what marriage means to you. What aspects of
being married are you looking forward to? What are some of your fears? How are you
going to address these fears if and when they come about?
Finally, close your letter with words of love and thanksgiving for your significant other.
Now, get back together with your fianc� and switch both this paper and the letters
you have written.
When you are finished reading each other's papers, go back through and underline
your favorite sentences or words of your fianc�'s answers and letter.
Now, discuss.
On another sheet of paper, write down your brainstorms. Start your vows with
something to the effect of "I ______, take you, ______." or, "I ______ choose
you, _______". This will get the ball rolling. Continue writing, using the sentences
and words you found most meaningful to you and your relationship.
Now, make a copy of your vows for both of you. Stand up, hold hands, and give it a try.
When you read your vows look into his or her eyes and pretend that you are actually
standing at your wedding. If you find yourself coming close to tears, your attempts have
been a success!