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Every Jewish marriage is sanctified by seven blessings (Sheva Brachot), echoing the path of creation. The first six are prescribed in the Talmud. The seventh blessing is traditionally a wine blessing. Many couples write their own blessings and there are many variations of these blessings that may be adapted for couples of any faith. Oftentimes the blessings are read by guests.

The blessings offered here are not direct translations and are presented as something you may wish to add to your ceremony.

Sample 1

  • Cherished be the earth, the provider of all things.
  • Cherished be the hopes and aspirations of friends and family.
  • May we respect the diversity of humankind.
  • May we acknowledge the human need for providing a home.
  • Honored may be the tradition of bride and groom and their happiness at this rite of passage that is celebrated the world over.
  • Praised be the sounds of joy and happiness, the voice of the groom, and the voice of the bride, the shouts of young people celebrating, and the songs of children at play. We praise the bride and groom rejoicing together.
  • Blessed are you, O God, Creator of the fruit of the vine. As together you now drink from this cup, so may you, under God's guidance, in perfect union and devotion to each other, draw contentment, comfort, and happiness from the cup of life. Thereby may you find life's joys doubly gladdening, its bitterness sweetened, and all things hallowed by true companionship and love.

Sample 2

  • You are blessed, Lord our God, the sovereign of the world, who created everything for his glory.
  • You are blessed, Lord our God, the sovereign of the world, the creator of man.
  • You are blessed, Lord our God, the sovereign of the world, who created man in His image, in the pattern of His own likeness, and provided for the perpetuation of his kind. You are blessed, Lord, the creator of man.
  • Let the barren city be jubilantly happy and joyful at her joyous reunion with her children. You are blessed, Lord, who makes Zion rejoice with her children.
  • Let the loving couple be very happy, just as You made Your creation happy in the garden of Eden, so long ago. You are blessed, Lord, who makes the bridegroom and the bride happy.
  • You are blessed, Lord our God, the sovereign of the world, who created joy and celebration, bridegroom and bride, rejoicing, jubilation, pleasure and delight, love and brotherhood, peace and friendship. May there soon be heard, Lord our G-d, in the cities of Judea and in the streets of Jerusalem, the sound of joy and the sound of celebration, the voice of a bridegroom and the voice of a bride, the happy shouting of bridegrooms from their weddings and of young men from their feasts of song. You are blessed, Lord, who makes the bridegroom and the bride rejoice together.
  • You are blessed, Lord our God, the sovereign of the world, creator of the fruit of the vine.

Sample 3

  • Blessed are you, God who shapes the universe. All things created speak of your glory.
  • Blessed are you, Holy One, who fashions each person.
  • We bless you, God, for forming each person in your image. You have planted within us a vision of you and given us the means that we may flourish through time. Blessed are you, Creator of humanity.
  • May Israel, once bereft of her children, now delight as they gather together in joy. Blessed are you, God, who lets Zion rejoice with her children.
  • Let these loving friends taste of the bliss you gave to the first man and woman in the Garden of Eden in the days of old. Blessed are you, the Presence who dwells with bride and groom in delight.
  • Blessed are You, who lights the world with happiness and contentment, love and companionship, peace and friendship, bridegroom and bride. Let the mountains of Israel dance! Let the gates of Jerusalem ring with the sounds of joy, song, merriment, and delight � the voice of the groom and the voice of the bride, the happy shouts of their friends and companions. We bless you, God, who brings bride and groom together to rejoice in each other.
  • Blessed are you, God, who brings forth fruit from the vine.

My goal is to help all couples, regardless of their religious affiliation or non-affiliation. I respect all cultures and creeds and deliver a ceremony with dignity and respect, regardless of whether or not I share the same beliefs. Click here for a brief explanation of my beliefs.