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Cherubs and Angels Baptism Certificate

Item # VB71B only $10.95.

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This lovely baptismal certificate features many cherubs and angels on a pretty pastel background. The exclusive artistic interpretation is by artist Lee Watson, Janesville, Wisconsin.

It measures 13 x 17 and is an absolutely lovely Victorian reproduction.

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Certificate of Baptism
For __________
Child of __________
and __________
born at __________
was baptized
in the Name of the
Father of the Son and of the Holy Ghost
at __________
on __________
by __________
Witnesses __________

Verse at top left

came from
of Galilee,
And was baptized
of John in Jordan.

Verse at bottom left

Suffer the little children
to come unto me,
and forbid
them not
for of such
is the
of God.

Verse at bottom right

He that
is baptized
shall be saved.

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