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Lullaby Birth Certificate

Item # VB61B only $10.95.

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This birth certificate graced by artwork dating back to 1906, captures the simple beauty of one angelic moment of Motherhood. The poem "Lullaby" graciously portrays the sentiments of a new mother dreaming with her child. For boy or girl.

It measures 17 x 13 and is an absolutely lovely Victorian reproduction.

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Name ___________________
Mother ___________________
Father ___________________
Hour ___________________
Date ___________________
Place ___________________
Physician ___________________


O Babe, my babe, the light doth fade!
My baby, sleep, while I do keep
Close watch where thou art lowly laid,
Sweet dreams thy slumbers deep.

Ah, little feet, be still at last --
Rest all the night, for day is past;
One watches thee from your blue sky,
One watching here sings lullaby.

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